Special Occasion Creations
We cater for any special occasion.
Oh Taste and See That It Is Good.
Our Story
Oh Taste And See
Our story gives praises to God and gives tribute to my two backbones: my grandmother Josephine Olivia (I called her “Mama”) and my mother Doris Ann (she had us call her by her first name). As a child, I was able to witness my firsthand account of “the kitchen”. During our family visits and holiday gatherings, if I wasn’t looking after the smaller children, I was in the kitchen bustin' suds. But it had its benefits. I was able to be close to the kitchen talk, where I occasionally was brave enough to slide in a culinary question or two.
Looking back at all the family gatherings at Grandma’s house, I developed a pattern: a listening ear, a clear vision to see beyond my current reality, and a pretty good cook’s palate. At home, the urge to know grew too. My bedroom was so close to the kitchen I could watch from the door way. Again, I developed a pattern: a listening ear, a clear vision to see beyond my current reality, and a pretty good cook’s palate. My mother taught me, without knowing, for five days out of the week as she prepared family meals without a written recipe in sight.
As time passed, I was allowed to create food with my mother and continued to gather at Grandma’s house for family functions. I even began to offer my baked goods at the local churches. I created Shemar’s Catering.
Shemar’s Catering began as a fuzzy dream and flourished into a reality on July 07, 2007. We are a catering service specializing in fresh baked goods, heat n eat entrees, complete meals, and fundraisers. We offer fully prepared meals and delivery service for our Shemars On Wheels Seniors program and Personal Chef Services. We would like to share our family with you through our online store.
~ Sheila Warfield
Picture: (Top Left) Doris Ann, Deborah, Demetrius, Janice. (Bottom Left) Betty, Mama Josephine, Linda. (Not Pictured) Myrtis, Anthony, Loretta


Learn more about “Shemars On Wheels” where we are Serving Our Seniors by offering fully prepared, economical meals delivered to your home.